What Are The Benefits Of Small-Scale Crop Rotation In Your Garden?
You can follow good practices at any scale
Now that the summer is ramping up here in Canada, I am finally moving plants out of my greenhouse and into my garden. That means it is time to figure out the details of what plants go where to make the best use of the garden space. Since I keep changing my garden design each year it gets tricky to practice crop rotation, but I keep on trying.
Crop rotation used to be common practice before the advent of chemical farming and the overuse of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Today it is more of a lost art. But the principles of crop rotation can be practices at virtually any scale of food production, and that means that small-scale crop rotation can have a place in your home garden design.
Let’s look at what crop rotation is and how you can benefit by using these simple steps to get the best yield from whatever space you have (from pots to raised beds to garden plots).