Evaluating Plants For Seed Saving Mid-way Through Growth
Pests, disease, and yield are important factors in selection
So far in Successful Seed Saving 101, we have focused on the planting stage of starting a garden with seed saving as one of the main goals. Once your plants are growing, however, your mindset needs to shift. Now is the time to pay attention to your plants’ performance and pick out the most talented few from the group auditioning.
You can think about this phase of seed saving like American Idol or the Got Talent franchise. Your goal as the judge is to pick out the most talented individuals. They may not be perfect. They may have one particular high note that is worthy of consideration. Or they might be the best all-round performer.
But you are the judge and during this phase of the competition, you are just narrowing down the field as it were. How does this apply to food plants and seed saving? I’ll show you!
Who is pest free?
Many people still believe that insect attacks are simply a matter of presence and absence. As in, if I grow plant x and pest y that feeds on plant x is in my area, then I will have pest y. But this isn’t how the world works.