Acting on the Healthy Soils Healthy Life Message (Here’s What You Need To Know)
Time to get a little bit dirty
On some level, we all know that we are connected to other life on the planet.
For instance, if animals around us suddenly start dying, we know we are also in trouble. Maybe there is a toxic chemical spill? Maybe there is a build-up of toxins in the water? We share the same air, the same water, and often the same foods as other animals around us. If one species starts dying off then chances are that others will follow, and that “other” could mean us.
The challenge is that unless we are looking straight into the eyes of an environmental disaster, we seem to quickly forget just how interrelated we all are.
That’s where the Healthy Soils Healthy Life message kicks in.
Not only are we related to, and dependent on, the charismatic species on the planet, the poster children for pollination, climate change, species loss, genetic isolation, food production, and so on . . . . we are absolutely dependent on the soil beneath our feet, the very foundation on which we stand.
Healthy soil connects every living thing with every other living thing on the planet! And yes, even the oceans have their share of dependency on healthy soil from the land and their own sea floor ‘soil’ as well.
We all need to care a whole lot more about what’s happening to the planet’s soil. Let’s dig into this concept a little deeper and see where this rabbit hole goes.