This is amazing!! So many great tips in one post. I started making notes by hand but had to stop because my hand hurt. I'm bookmarking this post instead and looking forward to revisting it often as our family plans for our gardening projects next spring.

Thanks for taking the time to share all of this!

I recently read a book called Bee Quest by Dave Goulson. It was incredibly insightful. One thing it introduced to me was the "rewilding" projects taking place in parts of the world, including here in Canada. Are you familiar with these projects? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts on them?

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Sorry for the slow response. I was away for a very rare few days! Hasn't happened in years (literally!). "Rewilding' is just the latest conservation buzzword meant to appeal to a new generation of folks. But it's not conceptually different than fallowing a field for a season, or planting more native species, and any number of conservation or restoration acts.

It is a kin to the current use of regenerative farming - which is essentially returning to the old ways of farming where animals are part of the agricultural ecosystem, cycling nutrients, and people move the animals around the landscape to achieve their goals. Rewilding is the same kind of thing - a new name for a process that stretches back thousands of years. That's my two cents, for what they are worth.

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No worries. I’m never in a rush. It’s good to get your opinion. There’s a part of me that thinks that rewilding is interesting, but there’s another part of me that thinks it doesn’t really acieve a “natural” ecosystem to study because humans are still controlling which species are introduced and when they are introduced to a large degree.

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I'm in the process of wilding up my new allotment space. Very excited for spring. Thanks for all the great tips! 🌺

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Oh that sounds very exciting! I'll look forward to reading about your wilding adventures.

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